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le cordon bleu sydney

Become an inspiring leader in the dynamic world of hotel management. Apply communication skills, marketing knowledge and business strategies to the realities of managing a hotel or resort. Career pathways such as Resort Manager, Convention and Event Management or Sales and Marketing Manager await!

Potential Career Paths

Our Bachelor of Business in International Hotel Management degree creates globally-focused, multi-skilled, career-ready hospitality leaders.

Resort Manager | Rooms Division Manager | Convention and Event Management | Sales and Marketing Manager | Revenue Management | Human Resources Management | Recruitment Manager | Training Manager | Food & Beverage Manager

Book a campus tour

As part of the one-on-one tour you will view our state-of-the-art teaching facilities, learn about our unique Culinary arts and have the opportunity to talk directly to Le Cordon Bleu representatives.

You can book a campus tour either individually, as a small group, or for your whole school class.

Approximately 1 hour
Fees: Free

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Program Details

  • Term Dates & How to Apply

    To apply for a Bachelor of Business (International Hotel Management) applicants must complete the application process, providing certified academic transcripts and other relevant documentation.

    Holiday breaks are scheduled for a period of time of 1 to 6 weeks starting at the conclusion of each Study Period.

    For more detailed information on how to apply for this program please click here.

    Term Dates & Prices

    Select a date
    May 12, 2025
    Aug 25, 2025
    Jan 12, 2026
    May 11, 2026
    Aug 24, 2026
    Jan 11, 2027
    May 10, 2027
    Aug 23, 2027
  • Course Structure

    View Bachelor of Business (International Hotel Management) Course Rules

    *Study plan subject to changes

    YEAR 1:


    • Kitchen Operations Management (Double Unit)
    • The purpose of this unit is for students to be able to interpret the daily activities and operations of a commercial kitchen; and acquire basic culinary skills and techniques in the French classical tradition.
    • Communication
    • To develop effective communication skills as an independent learner and reflective practitioner.
    • Wine Fundamentals
    • To provide students with a holistic understanding of wine, from grape growing and production to wine tasting, in the context of food and beverage service.
    • Food and Beverage Service (Double Unit)
    • The purpose of this unit is to develop in students an understanding of the knowledge and skills required by food and beverage service operations personnel within the international hospitality industry.
    • Accounting Principles and Practice
    • The purpose of this unit is to introduce accounting concepts and skills to enable students to interpret financial reports and apply budgeting processes.
    • Management Concepts
    • The purpose of this unit is to introduce and contextualise management concepts and theories using practical examples drawn from hospitality sectors.
    • Foundation Theory and Practice
    • The aim of this unit is to prepare students for their industry placements and work-integrated learning units, with a focus on workplace expectations and potential issues and opportunities that may arise in industry settings.


        YEAR 2:

        • 13-week WIL Placement
        • Food and Beverage Cost Control
        • This unit will introduce students to food and beverage operations in an international hospitality context with an emphasis on cost control.
        • Introduction To Marketing
        • The purpose of this unit is to introduce students to socially responsible approaches to customer centred marketing operations within the international hospitality industry.
        • Hospitality Financial Management
        • The purpose of this unit is to provide students with the opportunity to develop their understanding of financial management techniques relating to the international hospitality industry.
        • Human Resource Management
        • The purpose of this unit is to introduce students to the key principles, concepts, knowledge and skills required to manage human resources within a hospitality context.
        • The Hospitality Experience
        • The purpose of this unit is to reflect on the concept of hospitality, considering historical and cultural perspectives and the idea of hospitality as an experience.
        • International Hotels and Events
        • The purpose of this unit is to provide an overview of the international hotel sector, the role of the hotel departments, including their interrelationships; event management; and various types and uses of hotel business information systems.
        • Rooms Division Management
        • The purpose of this unit is to build students skills in analysing the operations and procedures involved in managing the guest services and rooms division operations of international hotels.
        • Management Information Systems
        • To provide students with relevant knowledge and contemporary hospitality management information systems that will enhance skills acquisition and applications in the workplace.


            YEAR 3:

            • 13-week WIL Placement
            • Advanced Marketing
            • The purpose of this unit is to explore strategic marketing within an international context.
            • Leadership and Management in Action
            • The purpose of this unit is to enable students to be flexible and adaptive in their leadership style according to the needs of employees, the business and the situation at hand.
            • Hospitality Business Law
            • The purpose of this unit is to provide an overview of the legal system as a framework for the comprehension of legal obligations and responsibilities, tenders and service contracts, and common business situations that involve legal issues.
            • Entrepreneurship and Business Management
            • To develop a sound understanding of entrepreneurship and the entrepreneurial process and to provide students with the opportunity to conceptualise and plan the development of either a hotel, restaurant, food, wine, tourism, hospitality or event related business from an entrepreneurial perspective.
            • Strategic Management
            • To provide students with the opportunity to research and evaluate contemporary approaches to strategic management and their application to international hospitality businesses.
            • Quality Service Management
            • The purpose of this unit is to develop in students an appreciation of quality and service excellence as a fundamental strategic orientation that delivers customer value and ensures superior performance and sustainable competitive advantage.
            • Decision Making For Managers
            • The purpose of this unit is to apply knowledge and decision-making skills in various simulated (virtual and role-play) business management scenarios.
            • Strategies for Globalised Hospitality
            • The purpose of the unit is to develop an innovative entrepreneurial approach to hospitality design and management, within the context of globalised hospitality.
          • Who is the Program For?

            Applicants who wish to forge a career in the international hotel and hospitality market are encouraged to consider this degree program. Applicants will learn to master the fundamentals of hospitality as well as strategic management principles.


            Admission criteria:

            • Applications with higher education study:
              Applications with previous higher education study will be eligible for entry into Le Cordon Bleu’s VET and/or higher education programs. Academic Credit will be assessed upon application and approved Academic Credit will be detailed in the Letter of Offer. Successful completion of an approved undergraduate degree will be required for entry into our postgraduate programs.
            • Applicants with vocational education and training (VET study):
              Applications with recognised VET studies will be eligible for entry into Le Cordon Bleu’s VET and undergraduate programs. Academic Credit will be assessed upon application and approved Academic Credit will be detailed in the Letter of Offer.
            • Applicants with work and life experience:
              Applicants who are over 21 years of age at the time of application are entitled to consideration for entry as mature-age students. For entry into undergraduate and postgraduate programs applicants must have at least three year’s work experience at a supervisory/management level as deemed relevant by the Dean of Le Cordon Bleu Australia or nominee.
            • Applicants with recent secondary education:
              Applicants will be required to have successfully completed an Australian Year 11 (for VET programs) or Year 12 program (for undergraduate programs) or recognised foundation program. No ATAR is required. There is no expiry date on completion of these qualifications.


            Student Profile

            Bachelor of Business (International Hotel Management)

            Applicant Background Number of Students
            Percentage of All Students
            (A) Past higher education study (include a bridging or enabling course) <5 <5
            (B) Past vocational education and training (VET) study <5 <5
            (C) Recent secondary education:  
            • Admitted solely on the basis of a ATAR (regardless of whether this includes the impact of adjustment factors such a equity or subject bonus points)
            N/A N/A
            • Admitted where both ATAR and additional criteria were considered (eg. portfolio, audition, extra test, early offer conditional on minimum ATAR)
            N/A N/A
            • Admitted on the basis of other criteria only and ATAR was not a factor (eg. special consideration, audition alone, schools recommendation scheme with no minimum ATAR requirement)
            8 66%
            (D) Work and life experience (admitted on the basis of previous achievement other than the above) 0 0%
            International Students 9 75%
            All Students 12 100%


            • “<5” – the number of students is less than 5
            • N/A – Students not accepted in this category
            • N/P – Not Published: the number is hidden to prevent calculation of numbers in cells with less than 5 students
          • What Qualification will I gain?

            Successful graduates will gain a Bachelor of Business (International Hotel Management)

          • Assessment

            Assessment methods vary and include a combination of examinations, tests, essays, reflective journals, reports, projects, and other written assignments, oral presentations, classroom discussions and activities.

          • Academic Credit

            You can apply for Academic Credit, a process that recognises prior study, skills and knowledge. Graduates from recognised institutions providing evidence of their previous studies and industry experience can apply for this. If you would like to apply for this, please visit here for more information.

          • Campus Location

            This programme is available at Le Cordon Bleu Sydney or Le Cordon Bleu Adelaide.

            The programme at Le Cordon Bleu Sydney is delivered in association with TAFE NSW, Ryde Campus.

            The programme at Le Cordon Bleu Adelaide is delivered in association with TAFE SA Regency International Centre for Hospitality, Leisure and Food Studies.




          • Fee-Help for Australian students

            Eligible Australian citizens can access FEE-HELP for all or part of their tuition fees. Access to FEE-HELP is subject to confirmation by the Australian government.


          • christine-rentis-testimonial
            The Le Cordon Bleu business degree is industry-specific which is why I chose it, after looking at the subjects my parents felt the practicality of the subjects would really benefit my future career.
            Christine Rentis - Bachelor of Business (International Hotel Management)
          • myles-carr-testimonial-IHM
            If someone had told me that eight years after graduating I would have worked in six or seven hotels, with each position different and better than the previous, I would never have believed them.
            Myles Carr - Bachelor of Business (International Hotel Management)
          • James-Spinkston-160x160
            Studying at Le Cordon Bleu gives you a broad view of hospitality in general. You're not just focused specifically on hotel (management), but you learn about how to run a restaurant, all the way through to functions and events.
            James Spinkston - Bachelor of Business (International Hotel Management)
          • pankaj-kukreja-testimonial-IHM-IRM
            The practical side of the degree got me the job as a hospitality manager and the business theory helped me launch my online business.
            Pankaj Kukreja - Bachelor of International Hotel and Restaurant Management
          • lucas-nguyen-testimonial-IHM
            I feel privileged to be connected to people that have such a passion for food and gastronomy.
            Lucas Nguyen - Bachelor of Business (International Hotel Management)
          • olivia-mcfarlane-testimonial-IHM
            Subjects like 'Management Concepts, Communication and Human Resources Management' have proven invaluable and although I struggled through Finance I know that if I hadn’t learnt to read a profit and loss statement I wouldn’t be where I am today.
            Olivia McFarlane - Bachelor of Business (International Hotel Management)
          • steve-tan-testimonial-IHM
            I chose Le Cordon Bleu for its reputation as a quality educator and leading culinary arts provider. The high standard of living in Australia was also a deciding factor.
            Steve Tan - Bachelor of Business (International Hotel Management)

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