Le Cordon Bleu 標志


Programmes & Courses

  • 大文憑證書


  • 高級餐旅管理文憑

    The Diplôme Avancé de Gestion Culinaire provides a comprehensive pathway for students wishing to develop the knowledge and skills required at supervisory and management levels across a range of hospitality industry occupations.

    You will have the opportunity to further enhance your culinary techniques in either cuisine or patisserie, and develop management and leadership skills in areas such as marketing, human resources, business planning and financial control.

    During the first 12 months of this program you will complete the Diplôme de Cuisine/SIT30816 - Certificate III in Commercial Cookery OR the Diplôme de Pâtisserie/SIT31016 - Certificate III in Patisserie and a six month industry placement.

  • 料理文憑-商業料理三級證書

    The Diplôme de Cuisine (SIT30816 - Certificate III in Commercial Cookery) provides foundational knowledge and skills in classical French culinary techniques that underpin contemporary cuisine. French study modules are combined with Australian units of competency, to create a unique study program. An industry placement enables you to put into practice the skills you have learned during your on-campus study, in a real hospitality business.


  • Dean-Curkovic-160x160
    Dean Curkovic - 高級餐旅管理文憑(甜點)2013畢業生
  • Hsin-Cheng-(Amber)-160x160
    Hsin Cheng(Amber) - 商業學士學位(國際餐飲管理)甜點證書(甜點三級證書)校友
  • Julia-Taylor-160x160
    當我們和大廚安德烈·桑迪森(安德烈桑迪森)一起在藍帶學院完成了MasterChef Australia的拍攝時,我就知道自己想要去那裡學習。我喜歡藍帶提供的所有支持,知識和設施,並且迫不及待地想融入這美妙絕倫的學習環境。
    Julia Taylor - 甜點證書(甜點三級證書)校友



藍帶國際廚藝餐旅學院澳大利亞校區提供振奮人心的年度獎學金計劃,面向澳大利亞本土學生、國際學生、以及行業/媒體專業人士。 獎學金金額從5,000美元到30,000美元不等,可用於學習我們的廚藝管理及餐旅管理課程。
