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Become a caterer by training at Le Cordon Bleu Paris

How do you become a caterer?

Becoming a caterer means combining culinary creativity with commercial flair. But behind the buffets and cocktails lie hours of training, administrative procedures and a solid marketing strategy. How do I become a caterer and what training programmes are available at Le Cordon Bleu Paris?

What is a caterer?

Caterers prepare and serve meals for a variety of events: Weddings, birthdays, seminars, cocktail parties, etc. They design made-to-measure menus, having selected the products in advance. They supervise the cooking of dishes and their presentation. Their role is not limited to cooking: They also manage service, logistics and sometimes even decoration.

Contrary to what you might think, the catering profession is not just for leading chefs. Of course, solid culinary training is an undeniable asset, but passion, creativity and a sense of customer service are just as important. Caterers must juggle many tasks. They are both an artisan, creating original dishes, and a manager, drawing up quotes and managing staff. It is a demanding job, but also a very rewarding one.

Skills and qualities required

Culinary expertise

Firstly, a good caterer must master the basics of cooking. They need to know how to prepare a multitude of dishes, from the simplest to the most elaborate, in compliance with hygiene and food safety regulations. Creativity is also a major asset if you want to stand out from the crowd and offer original menus.

Outstanding interpersonal skills

Caterers are in constant contact with their customers. They must, therefore, possess excellent communication skills to understand their expectations and advise them to the best of their ability. The aim is to build a relationship of trust with their customers.

Flawless organisational skills

Organising an event means managing a multitude of details: Creating menus, delivery, service, etc. Caterers need to be methodical and able to manage their time. They must also be able to anticipate unforeseen circumstances and find solutions quickly to maintain the relationship of trust we talked about previously!

An entrepreneurial spirit

While some caterers work for a company, many choose to set up their own business. In this case, management skills are essential. You need to know how to draw up quotes, manage a budget, negotiate with suppliers and do promotional work. In short, versatility is a must to succeed as a caterer.

Essential equipment and supplies

The kitchen is a caterer's first tool and needs to be equipped with the basics: Work surfaces, sinks, waste bins, knives of various sizes, chopping boards, saucepans, frying pans etc. In other words, the basic tools needed for cooking that can be found in any household. What sets a caterer apart from a simple cooking enthusiast is specialised equipment.

A caterer specialising in cold buffets will need a refrigerated display case, gastronome trays, etc. An event caterer, on the other hand, will need more extensive cooking equipment (professional oven, deep-fat fryer, grill, etc.).

Lastly, you need a suitable vehicle for transporting your products. These include refrigerated vans, which maintain the cold chain.

The legal and administrative obligations of the catering trade

Firstly, you need to choose the right legal status for your project. Artisan, self-employed or a company, each status has its advantages and disadvantages in terms of taxation, social security contributions and responsibilities. If you don't know anything about accountancy, you should call in a professional to help you make the best choice.

To operate as a caterer, you will need several administrative authorisations. The first is registration with the Trade and Companies Register (RCS). You will also need to obtain a declaration of activity from your local council. If you handle food products, HACCP training is compulsory. Regular checks may be carried out by government departments, so it's best to stay within the law.

What training is required to become a caterer?

The catering profession requires solid culinary expertise, as well as management and organisational skills. The training programmes available at Le Cordon Bleu Paris are therefore a major advantage when starting out in this profession.

Diplôme de Cuisine

The Le Cordon Bleu Diplôme de Cuisine will give you the solid grounding you need to excel as a caterer. This programme will introduce you to traditional and contemporary culinary techniques that you will master in conjunction with cooking, seasoning and presentation. Practical classes will enable you to apply your knowledge and develop your creativity according to your level (basic, intermediate, superior).

Diploma in Culinary Management

A chef is also an entrepreneur. Your passion for cooking may be your driving force, but culinary management will give you the keys with which to transform this passion into a business. Le Cordon Bleu Diplôme de Cuisine with Internship Pathway and Culinary Management is a comprehensive training programme that will give you the skills you need to manage a brigade, an establishment or create your own catering business.

This pathway will train you in human resources management, financial management, culinary marketing and much more. You will learn how to draw up business plans, negotiate with suppliers, manage stocks and optimise costs.

By following this programme, you will benefit from high level culinary expertise and the management skills essential to the success of your project. Classes are taught by experienced professionals who will share their passion and their network with you.