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Le Cordon Bleu Madrid celebrates its first graduation of the year with Kiko Moya as its grandfather

Le Cordon Bleu Madrid celebrates its first graduation of the year with Kiko Moya as its grandfather

Le Cordon Bleu Madrid celebrated last March 21st the graduation ceremony of the first graduating class of the year. A total of 40 students from the disciplines of Cuisine, Pastry, and Spanish Cuisine, on this occasion, had the honor of having Kiko Moya as its grandfather.

Kiko Moya trained as a chef in his native Alicante. After finishing his studies, he carried out internships in the country's great kitchens, culminating in elBulli, where, according to the Alicante chef, that experience changed his life.

He is currently the chef at the 2 Michelin-starred restaurant L'Escaleta in Alicante and the recently opened Sinestesia in Madrid, a restaurant that combines technology and haute cuisine to immerse diners in a unique sensory journey.

Kiko addressed the attendees with an affectionate speech in which he highlighted the importance of vocation and the passion necessary in such a demanding profession as it is cuisine. At the end of the graduation ceremony and after the family photo, the students enjoyed a cocktail at the Institute with their families and professors.

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