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Make fougasse the Le Cordon Bleu way this Bastille Day

FougasseIn French cuisine, fougasse is a type of bread typically associated with Provence but found in other regions. Some versions are sculpted or slashed into a pattern, resembling a head of wheat. Enjoy this recipe, taken from Le Cordon Bleu’s L'École de la Boulangerie cook book. Happy Bastille Day!

Makes 2
Preparation 15 mins, fermentation 2 hours, proofing 40-55 minutes, baking 20-25 mins



    • 5g fresh compressed yeast
    • 330g water
    • 540g T65 flour
    • 11g salt
    • 40g olive oil for 'bassinage'
    • 150g Kalamata olives, chopped roughly
    • Olive oil for the finish



    1. Put the yeast, water, flour and salt into the bowl of a stand mixer. Mix for 5 minutes on low speed, then knead for 8 minutes on medium speed.
    2. Pour in the olive oil for bassinage at low speed, then mix until smooth. Add the olives and mix on low speed until incorporated.
    3. Oil the sides of a bowl with olive oil, then add the dough.

    First rising and fermentation

    1. Cover with a damp cloth and leave to rest for 1 hour at room temperature. Make a fold (rabat), cover and leave to ferment for 1 hour at room temperature.

    Dividing and shaping

    1. Divide the dough into two pieces of about 530g each.
    2. Pre-shape each dough piece into an oval without making the dough too tight.
    3. Cover with a cloth and leave to rest for 10 minutes at room temperature.
    4. Using your hands or a rolling pin, flatten into 25x18cm rectangles. Place them on two 30x38cm baking trays covered with baking parchment.
    5. Using a dough cutter, make seven slits to create the specific shape of the fougasse. Gently open the slots by hand.

    Second (final) proofing

    1. Cover with a cloth and leave to proof for 30-45 minutes at room temperature.


    1. Using a conventional setting, preheat the oven to 230°C.
    2. Place the two trays in the oven and bake for 20-25 minutes.
    3. After removing them from the oven, place the fougasses on a wire rack and brush with olive oil.