Graduation Ceremony
22 August 2020

How can our Diplome graduates leave school without a Graduation Ceremony? Initially it looks impossible to hold any such events when Covid-19 grip the whole world. We had deferred all practical classes until the local government loosen up the Movement Control Order to Recovery Movement Control order to allow more businesses to reopen and small groups to gather with Social Distancing with SOP’s in place. Although we had faced many challenges during this time we know we can overcome this hurdle to organize a historical Graduation Ceremony for 34 of our graduates with guests totaling to 100 persons at The Sunway hotel Resort & Spa in the heart of Bandar Sunway on Saturday 22 August 2020.
And surely we did. You can see from the beaming faces and hear the actual laughter of happiness of these graduates when they come up on stage with mask covered faces to receive their Dilplome award. We are glad to be able to fulfill an important part of our graduate’s life when they hear all the encouraging messages from their chef instructors as well as memorable photos from the ceremony.
We wish all graduates well and that they will be able to find suitable jobs or open their own businesses in these challenging times.
The pictures from the event are available to view in the gallery below.