Graduation Ceremony
Because Your Success is Our Pride!
Graduation CeremonyWe organize the Graduation Ceremony and the conferment of certificates at the end of every intake. It is a time for you, your parents and Le Cordon Bleu Dusit family to celebrate your hard work and great accomplishment. It is also a precious moment to recognize you becoming Le Cordon Bleu Dusit's alumni.
When and VenueGraduation ceremonies are held at the end of each intake;
February, May, July and October intake; Saturday students attend the May and October intakes. We hold our ceremonies at a 5-star hotel near the campus.
Attendances and GuestsYou can invite 2 guests to attend the ceremony. The seats are limited because a lot of other students will be graduating at the same time. P
lease do not hesitate to contact Student Services department for any further tickets reservation or
changes made to the booking.