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Le Cordon Bleu Madrid graduates one of its largest promotions with chef Iván Cerdeño as the patron

Le Cordon Bleu Madrid graduates one of its largest promotions with chef Iván Cerdeño as the patron

Last June 29th, Le Cordon Bleu Madrid celebrated the graduation ceremony of one of its largest promotion classes; a hundred students from the disciplines of Cuisine, Pastry, and Spanish Cuisine, in addition to the sixth graduating class of the Gastronomy Degree, taught in collaboration with the Francisco de Vitoria University.

For this occasion, the Institute had the honour of having the president of Le Cordon Bleu International, Mr. André J. Cointreau, who shared a motivating speech with the audience.

The patron of this promotion, Iván Cerdeño, chef of the restaurant El Cigarral del Ángel in Toledo, with 2 Michelin stars, addressed the students not only to congratulate them but also to encourage them in such a demanding profession.

After the graduation ceremony and the iconic photo of the graduates throwing their caps in the air, the students enjoyed a cocktail party with their families and teachers at the Institute.

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