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I decided to follow this profession only at the age of 30 years old. I was born in Paris, where we have a strong culture of boulangeries and that always caught my attention, especially the ones with an oven at sight, I found it fascinating! I come from a family of butchers and for 5 years I worked as a kitchen assistant, until one day I decided to knock on a bakery door in my neighborhood and ask for a job. That's where my career as a boulanger began in 2002. I worked for 4 years in this bakery, learned a lot! In 2005, I moved to Rio de Janeiro and started working downtown for Chef Frédéric Monnier. I always had the dream of having my own business, therefore I studied several markets and decided to move Macaé. Years later, I returned to Rio de Janeiro and started offering training and consultancy in various establishments such as: Talho Capixaba, Copacabana Palace, Farinha Pura among others.
Tell me the challenges of your profession?
Being a chef is very relative, when we start a profession in gastronomy, this is achieved with a lot of time and dedication, and only after many years we become chefs. As a teacher, my challenge is to deliver my knowledge to my students, especially regarding the production of the dough. Sensitivity is necessary in this profession. Most people consider bread baking a less perfectionist art when compared to pâtisserie, but in fact it is much more detailed.
What inspires you in everyday life?
My French culture! I was raised in a family that liked to cook, we lived in a gastronomic area in Paris, I always learned to eat and drink everything. It is very difficult for me not to like anything.
Favorite dish?
Duck Confit. It reminds me of my childhood, in the southwestern region of France where there is a lot of duck farms, so my family always prepared this dish.
What message would you like to give to your students?
Dedicate yourself a lot, pay attention and get your hands dirty. No one will be a baker just looking, so always ask questions, have attitude and curiosity.
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