From graphic design to gastronomy, meet Rosie,
HEG alumna

Now a chef and cheesemaker, Rosie left London, where she graduated with a degree in graphic design, to follow her passion for gastronomy to France. She enrolled on the Advanced Studies in Gastronomy (HEG) programme in 2017 to really immerse herself in gastronomy whilst having the opportunity to meet with other like minded individuals. Can you introduce yourself?I am an English Chef and Cheesemaker, living in the Bourgogne-Franche-Comté region in France. My husband is an organic and biodynamic farmer, and has a milking herd of Montbéliarde cattle and a meat herd of Aberdeen Angus cattle.
What is your professional background?I have a BA (Hons) degree in Graphic design from Camberwell College of Arts, London, which eventually led to an artist’s residency in Venice. It was during this time that I became completey mesmerised by the world of gastronomy. And so, on my return to England, I set about finding the perfect opportunities to develop and hone my chef and culinary skills. I worked as Chef de Partie for The Ethicurean Restaurant, Bristol, and became cheesemaker for the formidable Mary Holbrook.
Since arriving in France, and completing the HEG programme, I have completed a course in culinary arts with wild and edible plants, a course in the art of distillation, and I have accomplished a diploma in agriculture.
Why did you choose to follow the HEG programme?I wanted the opportunity to immerse myself in gastronomy, whilst having the opportunity to meet with other like minded individuals.
Do you have a particular memory to share from the programme?I have so many incredible memories. Our morning at Rungis Market was quite extraordinary, but so was our meal at G.H Mumm. I’ll never forget my first experience of opening a bottle of champagne with a saber.
What did you like the most?The diversity of the subjects within the course, and meeting such an incredible collection of experts and peers.
How would you sum up the HEG programme?A diverse and hands-on gastronomic adventure.
How has HEG helped you in your career?I met some wonderful friends and colleagues during the course, and have had the fortune to work with Le Cordon Bleu Online Learning courses. I have written, developed, and instructed their online fermentation course and their online cheese course.