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Apiratorn Terdpravat, owner of Charlotte Patisserie Bangkok


Spring is the season of new beginnings, new growth and new graduates. This week, we are grateful to interview one of our fresh graduates, Ms. Apiratorn Terdpravat or Bee, who completed the 9 month Diplôme de Pâtisserie in April 2020 in Le Cordon Bleu Dusit Culinary School, Bangkok, Thailand.

Apiratorn Terdpravat (Bee), is the owner of Charlotte Patisserie Bangkok, a premium homemade cake brand which is now available to order via Facebook and Instagram.

Being in the kitchen becomes a part of my daily routine and makes me feel happy. That's when I realized that I wanted to go into culinary.

When did you know you wanted to go into culinary?

I have free time from work and looking after my daughter, I always spend most of my time in the kitchen. I love to watch and study how to bake and cook from both online and offline media and try out what I learned in the kitchen by starting from simple things and gradually developing enjoyment from being in the kitchen and having fun creating and trying out new ideas. Being in the kitchen becomes a part of my daily routines and makes me feel happy. That's when I realized that I wanted to go into culinary.

How do you know Le Cordon Bleu Dusit?

Le Cordon Bleu Dusit is a very famous and established culinary school which is well-known and accepted around the world. I have many friends who graduated from this school and everyone highly recommends that I should apply and study here if I love to learn all the skills and techniques how to properly cook and bake.

Why did you choose to study at Le Cordon Bleu Dusit?

I believe that among people who love to cook, Le Cordon Bleu Dusit Culinary School is probably the number one ranked culinary school when it comes to both the credibility of the curriculum standard the emphasize on the culinary science and the global recognition and acknowledgement from the culinary world. The school is also importance the selection of chefs, instructors and personnel with competence and expertise in their field in order to transfer knowledge and direct experience to the student. In addition, the student is required to take intensive hands-on practice to learn all the necessary culinary skills. I am confident that by graduating from Le Cordon Bleu Dusit, I will gain all the necessary knowledge of various culinary techniques that can use and apply in the future.

Your chef instructors, your Friends and the Learning Environment

All the chefs and instructors in the institute have an amazing knowledge, ability and experience. Each instructor has various techniques and methods that allow students to truly learn and understand every process. I would like to thank all the chefs for your dedication in teaching all the students and taking care of us while pushing us to pass all the quality courses.

Studying at Le Cordon Bleu Dusit, we are not only acquired all the cooking skills and knowledge, but we are also developed new friendship from all classmates throughout the course as we must help each other to complete each task which we have been assigned. All job done as teamwork helps us to become closer. During just 9 months, we have many lifelong friends who also share the similar interests and aptitude.

Having these great instructors and close friends together in the class can help us to create exceptional learning atmosphere that are productive, interesting and very inspiring.

Preparing for the examination

The exam is divided into 2 parts: written exam and practical exam. For the written exam, I would read the review all the theory and vocabulary before the exam. Most of the questions ask about the knowledge that applied in our practical class and I believe that all students can remember very well since we have a hands-on experience in doing it. For the practical exam, I believe that the most important aspects are to have good concentration and can appropriately lay out a systematic plan work and time management, along with being able to apply various techniques we learned throughout the course correctly should be enough to pass the exam without much difficulty.

Dealing with any unexpected obstacle during studying or cooking in the class

Every times that I encounter an unexpected problem, I always tell myself "Do your best and there will be no regrets"

How does Le Cordon Bleu Teaching Methodology help you to understand and acquire the French Cooking techniques?

The Systematic Instruction or Learning Method at the school allows students to learn, understand and put everything into practice effectively. We begin to learn from simple techniques such as how to use the knife, how to make basic cookies, and different types of cakes and gradually developed into producing Sugar Showpiece and Chocolate Showpiece

Your Memorable Experiences and Impression you have at the school

I was very happy every day that I went to the school because I got to do what I love and good at. To be able to see the result of our hard work come out beautifully makes me feel very proud of myself. Even though some lessons were very difficult in the beginning during the demonstration and seemed like my classmates and I won’t be able to achieve it, but eventually, we all did it! We were able to produce our own masterpiece. I’m talking about the wedding cake decoration workshop.

Until today, I am still grateful with many minor events that always occur in the classroom. There was a time; one of our classmates was making a mistake with the entremet. By that time, chef and other classmates were gathered and helped fixing it so finally everyone in that class could go home with the beautiful entremets.

Your Future Plan

Currently, I open an online made-to-order shop named “Charlotte Patisserie Bangkok”. I want to start from a small business first so that I can have time and opportunity to learn additional courses in cuisine and other culinary certificate courses.

Your Culinary Inspiration Quotes

"No one is born a great cook, one learns by doing.” - Julia Child.

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World-Class Culinary Programmes

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