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Le Cordon Bleu New Zealand
Enters a New Era

12 years ago, Le Cordon Bleu New Zealand opened its doors for the first time. Since then, we have proudly continued the tradition of excellence upheld by all Le Cordon Bleu institutes around the globe. 

In the past we shared our campus with a local education provider, this year will mark our first as a standalone, 100% Le Cordon Bleu operated campus. With the support of Le Cordon Bleu International, we are renovating and consolidating our facilities, providing a space solely for our students and enabling them to thrive. 

We are in the process of constructing a brand-new training restaurant and pâtisserie demonstration kitchen. Our new training restaurant will be a commercial kitchen, bar, and event space where students will experience real-life working conditions.

This is really the ideal situation for students in hospitality to learn because they're not just learning theoretical techniques but practicing it too in a real-world environment.

We have real food, real guests, real drinks, and real money being exchanged. Everything is happening as it would in industry, but there is still the safety of a training environment where the guests know that they are being served by students who are learning.

George Jarjoura | Team Leader of Bachelor of Culinary Arts and Business

The new space will allow more extensive training for students before our public events and serve as the venue for our graduations. Friends and family will be able to see first-hand where their loved one’s education took place as they celebrate their success. 

And it’s not only our students and staff that will benefit, but also the city of Wellington. Local organizations frequently book our facilities to run events on campus, our new event space will enable a wider range of events with a higher level of elegance. It is an exciting time for all here at Le Cordon Bleu New Zealand. 

We look forward to unveiling the new space this September.