インタビュー:タイ校卒業生 石田牧子
風光明媚な街、京都・伏見(京都市街地より20分)での日本酒醸造体験。脈々と受け継がれてきた伝統の手法を体験できる貴重な機会です。日本屈指の酒造メーカーによる指導の下、日本酒醸造の過程を体験できるこのイベントは月桂冠とル・コルドン・ブルー 日本校の共催で行われます。実習に加えて、講義や、試飲、日本酒にマッチしたディナー等々、充実の内容です。文化的観点、教育的観点の双方に於いて、大変価値のあるこの機会を逃す手はありません。
Founded in 1637, Gekkeikan is a family owned company of Kyoto that has been brewing sake with expertise gained over four centuries. It has been using high quality ingredients, featuring the renowned high quality soft water of Fushimi, where it is located. In addition to being proudly appointed by the Imperial House of Japan, Gekkeikan is also recognized as a world leading sake brand and is currently exported to over 50 countries. Gekkeikan is committed to preserving traditions and innovating for the future.
With a history of over 120 years, Le Cordon Bleu is the global leader in culinary and hospitality education with over 56 schools in 27 countries. Le Cordon Bleu Japan features two schools centrally located in Tokyo and Kobe and offers an exciting, rich, multicultural and multilingual learning environment to study the prestigious Classic Cycle French Cuisine, Patisserie and Boulangerie Diploma programs, which are offered in Japanese, English and Chinese. In addition, a wide range of short courses are offered for enthusiasts and professionals.
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