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Start a career in hospitality management

It's never too late to make a change. Switching to a career in hospitality management will expand your horizons and open up new career opportunities.

Why make the change?

With the breadth of roles available within hospitality, you will find a niche to excel in - no matter what background you come from.

You might be ready to make the change to hospitality if you are no longer challenged by your current position or feel like you have gained all the skills you can from your job. You may look at a hospitality career as your next exciting challenge. Hospitality management roles are available globally, so think big! An international hotel management job could see you working for a five-star establishment overseas, developing dynamic new skill-sets and broadening your experiences.

With current industry growth and the availability of skilled jobs on the rise, transitioning into hospitality is a great way to ensure job security. In fact, 95 per cent of Le Cordon Bleu students are employed within the first six months of graduating.

The hospitality industry is one of the fastest growing sectors in our economy, and is expected to generate more than 380 million jobs globally by 2027. There is high demand for qualified individuals to fill management roles.

How to go about it

To start the journey towards your new hospitality management career, you should first explore the different study options available to you. Le Cordon Bleu offers an exciting range of management degree programmes specialising in international hotel management and international restaurant management.

This two-year degree will equip you with all the tools needed to build a successful executive management career. You will hone your leadership skills as you learn about human resources, financial and marketing management as well as gain practical experience in the industry. As a higher-level qualification, this degree will equip you for more challenging roles, opening doors for you globally. This is the ideal degree for anyone who wants to work in top tier management or in an executive position.

If you already have a degree, you might consider studying a Master of International Hospitality Management.

What to expect

Hospitality is known for its fast pace and irregular working hours, but the upside is that no two days are the same. Workplaces are multicultural and inclusive, so you will find yourself working beside talented individuals from around the world.

Hospitality is the ideal career choice if you dream of an international career, and Le Cordon Bleu is your best study option, as it offers a lifelong global alumni membership with worldwide industry connections.

For help choosing the right qualification and career path, please get in touch with Le Cordon Bleu and subscribe to our newsletter.

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