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Cuisine Technique: Mayonnaise

How to prepare a mayonnaise by Le Cordon Bleu Master Chefs

In this series of videos, our chefs are sharing some of the classic French techniques we teach to more than 20,000 students on our programmes around the world each year. In the video below we show you how to prepare a mayonnaise.

Mayonnaise is referred to as cold emulsion and can be used to season or accompany a cold dish. Historically a mayonnaise is simply egg yolks, oil and vinegar, although in modern times mustard is often added.

Chef's tips: Gradually adding a little water may help to stabilise the emulsion

By adding other ingredients, mayonnaise can easily be transformed into derivative sauces such as rémoulade, tartare, cocktail or Andalouse just to name a few.

To make tartare sauce stir through chopped gherkins, onions, capers and parsley.

Make sure the oil is fully emulsified with the egg yolk before pouring in the next batch of oil. This will ensure the mayonnaise does not split. Start by adding small drops, and once you have a stable emulsion, you can add larger quantities.

Serves: 4
Preparation time: 15


  • 2 egg yolks
  • 500 ml lightly flavoured vegetable oil
  • 40 ml  white wine vinegar
  • fine salt
  • Cayenne pepper
  • 50 ml water optional


All ingredients should be at room temperature before you begin.

Separate the egg yolks from the whites and add the yolks to a deep mixing bowl

Add white wine vinegar. Season with a pinch of Cayenne pepper and salt.

Add the oil drop by drop at the beginning, then in a thin, steady stream, continuously whisking until thick and light in colour.

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