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What do you need to succeed as a hotel manager?

Behind every leading hotel is a skilled hotel manager. This exciting and rewarding role can offer its fair share of challenges too. What do you need to succeed as a hotel manager?

1. Communication skills

Hotel managers need to be able to communicate with people at every level. In a large hotel, they will be responsible for coordinating with teams in all aspects of the business, to ensure operations are flawless.

Being a good communicator is about more than just delegating or giving orders. A hotel manager should also be able to encourage, inspire and motivate their team to deliver the best service and quality at all times.

2. Listening skills

There are times when a manager doesn't need to be the one talking - sometimes all they have to do is listen. Excellent listening skills are essential to solving problems and making sure your staff are satisfied and happy. Taking the time to listen to staff is how you can help them develop and learn, which can only benefit staff morale and your business. You may also learn how to improve the business from the front of house teams - they are interacting with guests every day.

3. Organisational skills

Being able to keep track of different projects, people and schedules is vital.

Hotels can be large and complex organisations, so a manager needs to have good time management skills to ensure every part of the hotel is functioning optimally. As a hotel manager, you could be overseeing guest relations, managing the front of house team, accounting and finances, human resources and staff training.

4. Passion

A successful hotel manager needs to have passion for the industry. This will ensure a high level of commitment to delivering a quality customer experience. The best managers are dedicated to improvement, change and innovation, and staying at the forefront of the hotel industry. Passion is what inspires hotel managers to stay up to date with changes in their industry and to dedicate time to self-improvement and education.

5. Training

To become a globally minded industry leader with business knowledge and technical skills, you need to train with the best.

Contact Le Cordon Bleu today to find out how our International Hotel Management degree will make you a globally-focused, career-ready hospitality leader.

CRICOS 02380M / RTO 4959