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Disover our world-class Culinary Arts and Hospitality Management programmes at Le Cordon Bleu Australia, where excellence meets tradition.

For 130 years, Le Cordon Bleu has delivered internationally-recognised culinary arts and hospitality management programmes to budding chefs and future business leaders.

In Australia, you can choose from four unique learning environments to master classic French culinary techniques or pursue a degree in hospitality management - Adelaide, Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane. Learn from our award-winning chef instructors and expert teaching staff in an environment that combines tradition with innovation.


Le Cordon Bleu Melbourne

click here to view schedule

Grand diplôme:
Grand diplôme (sit30821 certificate III in commercial cookery & sit31021 certificate III in patisserie) - CLICK HERE

Diplôme de cuisine (SIT30821 Certificate III in CommerCIal Cookery) - CLICK HERE
Certificat de chef de partie cuisine (Sit40521 Certificate IV in kitchen management) - CLICK HERE
Diplôme avancÉ de gestion culinaire - cuisine (sit60322 Advanced diploma of hospitality management) - CLICK HERE

Diplôme de PÂtisserie (SIT31021 Certificate III in Patisserie) - CLICK HERE
Certificat de chef de partie PÂtisserie (Sit40721 Certificate IV in patisserie) - CLICK HERE
Diplôme avancÉ de gestion culinaire - pÂtisserie (sit60322 Advanced diploma of hospitality management) - CLICK HERE

hospitality management:
Bachelor of Business - click here
master of applied hospitality management - click here


Le Cordon Bleu Sydney

click here to view schedule

Grand diplôme:
Grand diplôme (sit30821 certificate III in commercial cookery & sit31021 certificate III in patisserie) - click here

Diplôme de cuisine (SIT30821 Certificate III in CommerCIal Cookery) - click here
Certificat de chef de partie cuisine (Sit40521 Certificate IV in kitchen management) - click here
Diplôme avancÉ de gestion culinaire - cuisine (sit60322 Advanced diploma of hospitality management) - click here

Diplôme de PÂtisserie (SIT31021 Certificate III in Patisserie) - click here
Certificat de chef de partie PÂtisserie (Sit40721 Certificate IV in patisserie) - click here
Diplôme avancÉ de gestion culinaire - pÂtisserie (sit60322 Advanced diploma of hospitality management) - click here

Hospitality Management:

Bachelor of business in international hotel management - click here


Le Cordon Bleu Adelaide

Short courses:
click here to view schedule

Diplôme de Commis cuisinier (SIT30821 Certificate III in CommerCIal Cookery) - Click here
Certificat de chef de partie cuisine (Sit40521 Certificate IV in kitchen management) - Click here
Diplôme avancÉ de gestion culinaire - cuisine (sit60322 Advanced diploma of hospitality management) - Click here

Diplôme de Commis PÂtissier (SIT31021 Certificate III in Patisserie) - click here
Certificat de chef de partie PÂtisserie (Sit40721 Certificate IV in patisserie) - click here
Diplôme avancÉ de gestion culinaire - pÂtisserie (sit60322 Advanced diploma of hospitality management) - click here



Le Cordon Bleu Brisbane

Grand diplôme (expressions of interest for 2026):
Grand diplôme (sit30821 certificate III in commercial cookery & sit31021 certificate III in patisserie) - click here

(expressions of interest for 2026):
Diplôme de cuisine (SIT30821 Certificate III in CommerCIal Cookery) - click here
Certificat de chef de partie cuisine (Sit40521 Certificate IV in Kitchen management) - CLICK HERE
Diplôme avancÉ de gestion culinaire - cuisine (sit60322 Advanced diploma of hospitality management) - click here

(expressions of interest for 2026):
Diplôme de PÂtisserie (SIT31021Certificate III in Patisserie) - click here
Certificat de chef de partie PÂtisserie (Sit40721 Certificate IV in patisserie) - click here
Diplôme avancÉ de gestion culinaire - pÂtisserie (sit60322 Advanced diploma of hospitality management) - click here

Book a Campus Tour

If you are passionate about food, hospitality and a dynamic career, Le Cordon Bleu Australia is here to help you take that first step. Book an in-person campus tour at one of our campuses and discover how our internationally renowned programmes can guide you toward a successful future.

During your campus tour, you’ll have the opportunity to:

Explore cutting-edge facilities: Walk through our commercial kitchens, demonstration theatres and theory rooms where students gain hands-on experience and develop industry-leading skills.

Discover our Culinary Arts and Sciences programmes: Whether you're drawn to the precision and artistry of Cuisine or the delicate craftsmanship of Pâtisserie, you'll learn how our programmes provide a solid foundation in traditional French techniques combined with modern culinary practices.

Learn about our Hospitality Management options: Gain insights into our programmes in Hotel Management, Restaurant Management and more. Our bachelor and master’s degrees are designed to equip you with the leadership, operational and strategic skills needed to thrive in the global hospitality industry.

Engage with our experts: Meet our experienced faculty who can answer your questions and provide insight into the curriculum, career prospects and student life at Le Cordon Bleu.

By booking a campus tour, you're not just exploring a school — you're discovering a gateway to a world of exciting career opportunities.

Reserve your spot today and take the first step toward launching your career in culinary arts or hospitality management. Your future starts here!

Request More Information

Please select the campus(es) you are interested in inquiring about.