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*호주 르꼬르동블루의 석사 과정은 현재 아들레이드 캠퍼스에 운영 중입니다. 또한 학사 과정의 경우는 아들레이드와 시드니 캠퍼스에서 공부하실수 있으면 경영학내에 국제호텔경영, 국제 레스토랑 경영으로 세부 전공을 공부하실수 있습니다.

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호주 르 꼬르동 블루가 한국을 방문합니다!!  


호주 르 꼬르동 블루의 한국인 마케팅 매니저와 직접 인터뷰 하는 기회를 가져보세요. 3월 30일 호주 캠퍼스 졸업생들이 운영하는 압구정 맛집 ‘미연’에서 만나요.
호주 르 꼬르동 블루로 유학을 준비중이신 모든 학생분들, 아래 이메일로 예약후 방문 부탁드립니다.

선착순 20명



호주 르 꼬르동 블루의 한국인 마케팅 매니저와 코엑스에서 자세한 설명회를 가질 예정입니다.
호주 르 꼬르동 블루로 유학은 준비중이신 모든 학생분들 이메일로 예약후 방문 부탁드립니다.

상담을 원하시는 분들은 미리 이메일을 cthomson@cordonbleu.edu 로 이름, 나이, 전화번호,관심있는 전공 등의 디테일을 간단히 적으셔서 보내 주세요.


  • jillian-butler-testimonial
    Education is such a special privilege. If you have the chance to pursue what you want, then Le Cordon Bleu is the only one to consider. My belief is Le Cordon Bleu is the best.
    Jillian Butler - Diplôme de Pâtisserie (SIT310160 Certificate III in pâtisserie)
  • byron-finnerty-testimonial
    Le Cordon Bleu gave me the confidence to take on a role as Head Chef at Bar Milazzo in Sydney, work at a Michelin Star restaurant in Madrid, and cook meals for the rich & famous on boats throughout Italy and Spain.
  • yuvraj-pawar-testimonial-MIHM
    Le Cordon Bleu had the reputation and history I was looking for in a university, so it was an obvious choice.
    Yurav Pawar - Master of International Hospitality Management
  • 250px × 250px – Testimonial
    With Le Cordon Bleu I always have a strong network of peers that I can tap into when needed.
    Raymond Lim - Diplôme de Cuisine (SIT30816 Certificate III in Commercial Cookery)
  • joe-wee-lim-testimonial
    Everywhere I go I always recommend Le Cordon Bleu as the best hospitality institute you can find. I learned a lot at Le Cordon Bleu, I’ve been able to apply 100% of what I learned in the real world, it makes so much sense once you’re in the workplace.
    Joe Wee Lim - Bachelor of Business International Restaurant Management Alumnus
  • ronith-arlikatti-testimonial-adhm-cuisine
    The attraction of Le Cordon Bleu is its strong ties to the culinary arts world. Studying at the campus in Melbourne had huge appeal, being the third most liveable city in the world.
    Ronith Arlikatti Diplôme Avancé de Gestion Culinaire - Cuisine (SIT60316 Advanced Diploma of Hospitality Management)
  • mitchell-turner-160
    Be humble and learn the ropes. Always be loyal to your manager and the company.
    Mitchell Turner - Bachelor of Business (International Hotel & Resort Management)
  • lien-nguyen-testimonial
    Due to the content covered in the course I have a very in depth knowledge of what it takes to run a 5-star hotel. I highly recommend the Master of International Hospitality Management Programme to any student looking for a hospitality course.
    Lien Nguyen - Master of International Hospitality Management Alumna