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About Le Cordon Bleu

In Australia, Le Cordon Bleu offers a range of vocational (VET) and higher education courses at campuses in major cities Adelaide, Melbourne, Brisbane and Sydney. Visit our website for an overview of Le Cordon Bleu Australia.

Important dates (including enrolment dates) are available on our website on respective campus sites. To contact us, please fill in a contact form or phone 1800 064 802 (Toll Free).

For more information on How to Apply please click here.

Admission critera

  • A. Applicants with higher education study
    Applications with previous higher education study will be eligible for entry into Le Cordon Bleu’s VET and/or higher education programs. Academic Credit will be assessed upon application and approved Academic Credit will be detailed in the Letter of Offer. Successful completion of an approved undergraduate degree will be required for entry into our postgraduate programs.
  • B. Applicants with vocational education and training (VET study)
    Applications with recognised VET studies will be eligible for entry into Le Cordon Bleu’s VET and undergraduate programs. Academic Credit will be assessed upon application and approved Academic Credit will be detailed in the Letter of Offer.
  • C. Applicants with work and life experience
    Applicants who are over 21 years of age at the time of application are entitled to consideration for entry as mature-age students. For entry into undergraduate and postgraduate programs applicants must have at least three year’s work experience at a supervisory/management level as deemed relevant by the Dean of Le Cordon Bleu Australia or nominee.
  • D. Applicants with recent secondary education
    Applicants will be required to have successfully completed an Australian Year 11 (for VET programs) or Year 12 program (for undergraduate programs) or recognised foundation program. No ATAR is required. There is no expiry date on completion of these qualifications.

Additional Information

English language proficiency

Applicants that hold Australian citizenship are deemed to have met the English language proficiency through English as their first language. Holders of a permanent residency visa must meet the English language requirements as outlined in the international entry requirements.

How to apply

Please visit How to Apply for a detailed explanation on how to apply for your chosen course.


Once the applicant has received their Letter of Offer, they must return the Acceptance Form along with relevant fees to be paid and evidence of any outstanding conditions being met. When the Admissions Office have received this information a Confirmation of Enrolment (COE) will be issued that includes details on orientation and a pre-arrival guide.

Applications for Academic Credit will be assessed by Academic Services. All approved credit is detailed on the Letter of Offer and tuition fees reduced to reflect the credit awarded.

An applicant can apply to defer their commencement to the next intake for personal and compassionate reasons. Any fees paid as part of their acceptance will also be transferred to the next intake.

All tuition fees are listed on the application form, other fees associated with the acceptance include the toolkit and uniform fees required as part of the course.

Program tuition fees are listed on the Le Cordon Bleu Australia Application form of program overview for each course. For a full summary of additional fees applicants may be subject to, please visit Schedule of Fees.

Student and campus services

There is a dedicated Student Services team located at each campus which serves as the point of contact for students during their course of study.

Le Cordon Bleu students also have access to a wide range of services at each campus which normally includes cafeteria, student common areas, counselling, library/computing services, learning assistance, services for students with disabilities and welfare services.

Centrelink administers student assistance payments of Youth Allowance, Austudy, ABSTUDY, Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC) and Pensioner Education Supplement (PES) for students enrolled in Australian educational institutions. To find out more about available student assistance programs and your eligibility to access support, please visit Human Services.

Further information on accommodation options for each campus is available on our website.


A HECS-HELP loan allows students to borrow money from the Commonwealth government to pay some or all of their tuition fees. You can only get a HECS-HELP loan if you are enrolled in a Commonwealth supported place (CSP).

To be eligible for HECS-HELP, you must:

  • be studying in a CSP;
  • submit the Request for Commonwealth support and HECS-HELP form to Le Cordon Bleu Australia by the census date;
  • provide your Tax File Number (TFN) and Unique Student Identifier (USI) numbers before enrolling;
  • have sufficient available HELP balance.

HECS-HELP eligible students may pay their student contribution in the following ways:

  • pay the full amount to Le Cordon Bleu by the invoice due date; or
  • pay some of the amount to Le Cordon Bleu by the invoice due date and receive a HECS-HELP loan for the remaining student contribution; or
  • receive a HECS-HELP loan for the full amount of the student contribution.

If you wish to apply for HECS-HELP, you will be directed by the Admissions team to the HELP loan administrator. Before you apply for HECS-HELP we strongly advise that you read the Commonwealth supported places and HECS-HELP information booklet. This booklet and other resources can be found on the Study Assist website.


To apply for a FEE-HELP loan, you will need a Tax File Number (TFN) and a 'Request for FEE-HELP Assistance' form which can be obtained by contacting or visiting the Le Cordon Bleu FEE-HELP Administrator at your chosen Le Cordon Bleu office. Before you sign and submit your form you are strongly advised to read the FEE-HELP information booklet on StudyAssist Website.

To be eligible for this loan scheme you must:

  • Be studying with an approved FEE-HELP provider (in your case Le Cordon Bleu)
  • Meet citizenship and residency requirements
  • Enrolled in an eligible unit of study by the census date for that unit; and
  • Have not exceeded the FEE-HELP limit.

The Le Cordon Bleu Australia is an approved FEE-HELP provider for the following programs:



Online Higher Education Certificates

How to apply for fee help

To apply for a FEE-HELP loan, you will need a Tax File Number (TFN) and a ‘Request for FEE-HELP Assistance’ form which can only be obtained by contacting or visiting the Le Cordon Bleu FEE-HELP Administrator at the Adelaide Campus Le Cordon Bleu office. Before you sign and submit your form you are strongly advised to read the FEE-HELP Information for 2016 booklet on StudyAssist website.

The form will ask you to provide your TFN. If you don’t have a TFN you can give the FEE-HELP Administrator a ‘Certificate of Application of TFN’. This certificate is available from the Australian Taxation Office after you have applied for a TFN.

Where and when to submit completed 'Request for FEE-HELP' assistance forms

Completed ‘Request for FEE-HELP Assistance’ forms must be submitted with the required supplementary documentation to the Student Services Department at your chosen campus.

Submissions must be made on or before the relevant administrative date which is listed on the Schedule of tuition fees, EFTSL values and CENSUS dates for each program (refer to the section on FEE-HELP Policies and Other Resources for further information).

Please note that if you fail to either submit a completed form or pay the tuition fees for your study program on or before the administrative date, you risk an administration fee (late fee) of $150.

Student Profile

Le Cordon Bleu welcomes approximately 1000 new students to our Culinary Programs, 300 new students to our Bachelor of Business degree programs and 100 new students to our Master programs each year.

International students come from many different countries around the world such as Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, Philippines, USA, Canada, Hong Kong, Japan, China, Taiwan, India, France, Korea, Brazil, UK, South Africa, Israel, Seychelles, Mauritius, Oman, Mexico, Peru, Sri Lanka, Kenya, Russia and more.

Applicant background


Number of students Percentage of all students
(A) Past Higher Education Study (includes a bridging or enabling course) 19 35%
(B) Past vocational education and training (VET) study 10 18%
(C) Recent secondary education:
• Admitted solely on the basis of a ATAR (regardless of whether this includes the impact of adjustment factors such a equity or subject bonus points) 0 0%
• Admitted where both ATAR and additional criteria were considered (eg. portfolio, audition, extra test, early offer conditional on minimum ATAR) 0 0%
• Admitted on the basis of other criteria only and ATAR was not a factor (eg. special consideration, audition alone, schools recommendation scheme with no minimum ATAR requirement) 26 47%
(D) Work and life experience
(Admitted on the basis of previous achievement other than the above)
0 0%
International students 36 65%
All Students 55 100%
“<5” – the number of students is less than 5
N/A – Students not accepted in this category
N/P – Not Published: the number is hidden to prevent calculation of numbers in cells with less than 5 students

We welcome the diversity of nationalities and view it as an opportunity for students to immerse themselves in different cultures in preparation for their career in a culturally diverse industry of hospitality.

Further Information

For further information on Le Cordon Bleu Australia programmes and courses, please visit https://www.cordonbleu.edu/australia/programmes/en

Students are encouraged to familiarise themselves with Le Cordon Bleu Australia general and academic policies which includes the Student Selection and Admission policy and information on appeals and grievance processes.

Further information can also be accessed via the TEQSA national register and the QILT website.