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Le Cordon Bleu Ottawa Diplôme de Pâtisserie Student Nikita Malhotra

Nikita Malhotra is a Diplôme de Pâtisserie student from Pune, India studying at Le Cordon Bleu Ottawa. Nikita talks about her experience studying in Canada, her passions in food and why she chose to study at Le Cordon Bleu Ottawa as her first choice in the culinary arts.

The Cordon Bleu Ottawa's Diplôme de Pâtisserie programme acts as a passport into an exciting and dynamic career in pastry. Advance through basic, intermediate and superior levels of the pâtisserie program and earn a diploma that is recognized worldwide. Learn more.


From Indonesia to New Zealand

From Indonesia to New Zealand

Students come to Le Cordon Bleu New Zealand campus, located in the capital city of Wellington, from all over the world to learn the culinary arts. We talked ...

Term 1 Graduation March 2023

Term 1 Graduation March 2023

Congratulations to all the students who graduated on 24th March 2023. The pictures from the video recording and event held at The Hurlingham Club are available ...

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