Within two weeks of your commencement with Le Cordon Bleu you will receive access to a range of our digital services. These include:
- Student Portal to update your contact details and access important information
- Webmail for all official Le Cordon Bleu communication to students
- Le Cordon Bleu Engage for access to all subjects enrolled in, assessments and grades
- Password Self-Service if you wish to change your password to one that you can easily remember
- Helpdesk email to helpdesk@mycordonbleu.net if you encounter any technical difficulties.
Please allow 24 hours between Monday and Friday.
To access all our digital services visit: mycordonbleu.net
The Student Portal needs to be used to keep your contact details up-to-date. This is really important so that we are able to easily contact you.
If you are an International Student, under Student Visa Condition 8533, you must notify your education provider, Le Cordon Bleu Australia, of your residential address in Australia within seven days of arriving in Australia. You are also required to notify your education provider of any change of address within seven days of change (including when you are participating in work-based learning activities).
CRICOS Provider Number: 02380M
RTO ID number: 4959