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Diploma (9 months) Three certificates

Intakes per year:
January, April, July and October

Spanish // English (simultaneous translation system through earphones)


Standard (2-4 days, 6h/day, Mon - Sat)
Intensive (5-6 days, 6h/day, Mon - Sat) Only Basic and Intermediate Certificate

Tradition and

For ages, the spanish cuisine has been marked by the homemade recipes that were transmitted from father to son. Due to history, climate and geography, the culinary differences between the various regions of Spain were increasing every day and today, those different types of cuisine let us enjoy a wide variety of products and a high quality elaborations. Thanks to a continuous development driven earlier by traditions and, today, by the cuisine d’authore, the Spanish Cuisine has gain a great interest for the rest of the world.

The Spanish Cuisine Diploma it’s a nine-month programme composed of three certificates: Basic, Intermediate and Superior. This is the most interesting option for those who want to study in the least possible time. With a 30 weeks length, usually, students have 2 demonstration sessions and 2 practical sessions (each lasting 3h) per week. The schedule at which students may take the classes vary from 8.30 a.m. to 7.00 p.m. There is also the possibility of taking the Basic Certificate in intensive schedule starting in summer.

Spanish Cuisine Certificates

Many students decide not to enroll directly to the Diploma and they prefer to start with the Basic Certificate, named as Foundations of Spanish Cuisine. Once it is finished, you could continue with the Intermediate and Superior levels to obtain the Diploma.

Programme details

    • Basic Spanish Cuisine preparations: stocks, broths, sofritos…
    • Basic sauces: national & international
    • Hero ingredients: the egg & the potato
    • Introduction to the pulse family & its classic dishes
    • Mycology
    • How to work with & treat vegetables
    • Introduction to doughs
    • Fish: preliminary preparation, filleting & cooking methods
    • Basic knowledge of the world of seafood
    • Traditional preparation of roasts, stews & picklings
    • Preparation of classic tapas
    • Iberico Pork: characteristics & culinary applications
    • Introduction to poultry: preliminary preparation, cuts & cooking techniques
    • In-depth look at the history, tecniques & secrets of Spanish rice dishes

    • A gastronomic tour of Spanish Regional Cuisine
    • Emblematic & classic Spanish regional dishes
    • “Sea & Mountain”-styled dishes
    • How tos of fillings
    • Introduction to game
    • Greater development of knowledge of cooking methods & cooking points
    • Advanced plating techniques
    • Classic & Modern Interpretation of tapas: preparation & plating
    • In-depth look at the preparation of poultry, meats & fish
    • Initiation to recipe development & flavour harmony
    • Avant-garde techniques & utensils, cooking in low temperature, spherifications & varied textures
    • Advanced cooking techniques applied to game meats
    • Reinventing & deconstructing classic dishes
    • Developing recipes using high-quality products & rare ingredients
    • Introduction to pasta
    • Initiation to seasonal & sustainable cuisine
    • Development of personal creativity
    • Fundamentals of modern vegetarian cuisine
    • Modern tapas
    • Sous-vide cooking
    • Fundamentals of molecular cuisine
    • Decorating & plating techniques
  • term dates and apply

    Term Dates & Prices

    Select a date
    Jun 30, 2025 - Nov 15, 2025 ( Intensive , in Spanish , English )
    Oct 1, 2025 - Jun 30, 2026 ( Standard , in Spanish , English )
  • I want to start my admission process

All the information you need

Download the fundamental information of the Spanish Cuisine Diploma in one click

The “Asociación de Amigos de la Real Academia de Gastronomía” supports with its endorsement the objectives, methodology and contents taught by Le Cordon Bleu Madrid, through its exclusive Spanish Cooking Diploma; the only one of its kind endorsed by this institution in the whole country.

lets talk

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  • Carlos-Linero-Noguera
    I’m speechless, the school has, by far, exceeded my expectations. Mostly by fact of being taught by great chefs, they are teachers with capital letters… ultimately, a great family which I’m extremely proud to be a part of. Life has given me a second chance.
    Carlos Linero Noguera
  • Luis-Fernando-Agudelo
    If I had to give any advice to those thinking of being brave enough to study at Le Cordon Bleu it would be to not feel intimidated by the effort and the sacrifice that you’ll need to make, you’ll have to put lots of hours into your course, but the reward is very fulfilling.
    Luis Fernando Agudelo

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