The qualities needed to become a baker
The baker must be
organised and have
good physical stamina to be able to cope with the pace of work, as well as a
passion for the job,
curiosity and
inventiveness in creating products. They must also have good
interpersonal skills to attract and retain customers.

Boulangerie chef working conditions
The job of bakers is often devalued, working conditions are hard in a bakery, and weekends and bank holidays are frequently working days. A baker can work both night and day. On the other hand, as was stated earlier, the modernisation of equipment has allowed working hours to be reduced and the baker’s workload to be lightened, which makes the occupation more and more attractive to the new generations.
Do you want to become a baker? First of all, you will have to get the appropriate education! A Boulangerie Diploma, lasting 3 months, is available at Le Cordon Bleu Paris. To register, you must be at least 18 years of age at the beginning of the programme and have a baccalaureate or equivalent. Those having followed the boulangerie training programme and obtained the related certification can go on to work in a traditional bakery or production company. They can, for example, work as a baker and, once they have gained enough experience, open their own bakery or become a team leader or production manager. In France, a novice bakery worker’s gross income is approximately 1500 € per month and the wage can increase if nights, Sundays and public holidays are worked. The monthly income for an artisan baker who owns their own business is estimated to be between 3500 € and 4000 €.