Wine and Management Graduation Ceremony
2017 Grand cru with Xavier Thuizat

17 July 2017 - Le Cordon Bleu Paris institute Wine and Management Programme graduation ceremony took place on Thursday 13 July at the Cercle de l’Union Interalliée. Le Cordon Bleu was honoured to welcome Xavier Thuizat as 2017 class patron on this special occasion.
Born in the Hospices de Beaune, Xavier Thuizat is Head Sommelier at the legendary luxury hotel the Crillon, which reopened its doors on 5 July 2017. Xavier Thuizat uses his range of professional sommellerie expertise to manage a cellar boasting 2 300 products. To boost his career, and expand his professional skills, he also has a keen interest in world wines and spirits, which led him to create and organize the 1st Japanese sake competition, "Kura Master", in Paris.
The graduating class was made up of 19 students of 14 different nationalities. During the ceremony, the class patron and Franck Ramage, Le Cordon Bleu Paris institute Wine Department Manager, congratulated and provided encouragement to the new graduates as they set out on their career paths.
The Wine and Management Programme provides the opportunity to turn a passion for the world of wine into a career and trains students in wine professions, to become managers, sommeliers, consultants and entrepreneurs.
During a 10 month period, students learn the techniques, discipline, skills and create the network necessary for a career in wine, thanks to theory classes and intensive practical training.
Other programmes in the wine field, available at Le Cordon Bleu institute, include: