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Learn basic to advanced culinary techniques from Le Cordon Bleu Master Cuisine Chefs in state-of-the-art-facilities. Le Cordon Bleu cuisine courses and programmes are highly respected and globally recognised, by graduating with Le Cordon Bleu, you’ll become part of a great tradition of excellence, with credentials that will set you apart from the competition in a demanding and changing industry.

Contact us now and take the first step in gaining a highly respected education in New Zealand at one of the top culinary schools - Le Cordon Bleu.


Programmes & Courses

  • Diplôme Avancé Culinaire (NZQF Level 5)

    The focus of the programme is the preparation and service of French classical and contemporary cuisine or patisserie dishes using advanced classical and contemporary French techniques and theoretical knowledge. Diplôme Avancé Culinaire students will gain valuable live and real time experience whilst preparing a dégustation menu during Brasserie week. Additional theoretical subjects are studied alongside practical classes in the first two terms and this knowledge is then applied during the Internship in the final term. Theory subjects outline the importance of planning and monitoring work flow and supplies in a commercial kitchen and the management of operating procedures and compliance requirements for operational roles. Also included is the theory of selecting and applying staffing strategies to meet performance targets and the management of staff relationships for operational roles.

    Duration: 9 Months (3x10 Week terms)

    Prerequisite:  Achieved a NZQF L4 qualification in a related field (ex: Diplôme de Cuisine) OR Equivalent personal, practical, professional or educational experience of an appropriate kind.

    The following outlines the key knowledge, skills, attitudes and values graduates will have when they successfully complete this programme:

    • Select and apply staffing strategies to meet performance targets.
    • Plan and monitor work-flow and supplies in a commercial kitchen.
    • Manage operating procedures and compliance requirements for operational roles.
    • Manage staff relationships for operational roles.
    • Plan and produce a broad range of larder dishes employing advanced preparation, cookery and presentation techniques.
    • Plan and produce a broad range of meat, poultry and fish dishes employing advanced preparation, cookery and presentation techniques.
    • Plan, develop and design advanced dishes and menus suitable for implementation in a commercial hospitality environment.


  • Le Grand Diplôme (NZQF Level 4)
  • Diplôme de Cuisine (NZQF Level 4)

    Successful completion of the Basic, Intermediate and Superior Cuisine certificates results in the award of the Diplôme de Cuisine.  You will learn to master the necessary skills to create fine cuisine dishes through a combination of practical sessions, demonstrations and theory lessons, gaining knowledge from our classically trained master chefs who have experience working in senior positions in the world’s finest kitchens and Michelin star restaurants.

    Our cuisine master chefs lead demonstrations to show you how to produce dishes to the highest professional standard. You are then tasked with replicating what you have been shown in one of our dedicated cuisine practical kitchens.

    Duration: 9 Months (3x 10 Weeks)

    Prerequisite:  None

    Structure: Classes are taught across 3 - 5 days a week. Each day begins with 2.5 – 3 hours of observation in our state-of-the-art demonstration lecture theatre, followed by 3 – 4 hours of practical work in the specialised cuisine kitchens and 2 hours of self-directed theory, for a total of 24 hours per week.

    Assessment: Assessment is achievement-based.  A grade is awarded based on the cumulative marks gained. Students are assessed on practical skills at the end of each day. Summative practical and theory tests are completed at the end of each certificate. Students will receive an assessment schedule and detail about the assessment requirements at the beginning of the programme.

  • Basic Cuisine Certificate (NZQF Level 2)

    The Basic Cuisine programme (Basic Certificate) opens the door to the adventures of French cuisine. From day one, you begin to master the basic skills: from how to hold a knife properly, to how to peel vegetables or how to truss a chicken. As the term progresses, techniques are layered on one another, and become more complex. Demonstrations become more menu-oriented, incorporating such elements as organisation, preparation, balance and timing. Students also learn how to use and integrate condiments, herbs and spices into their recipes producing a variety of flavours which complement the dishes prepared. As a solid grounding in basic cuisine, this programme is for beginners and experienced students alike.

    Duration: 10 Weeks

    Prerequisite:  None

    Study Modules

    • French culinary terms and definitions
    • The use and care of cookery equipment
    • Working in a safe and hygienic manner
    • Food preparation and mise en place
    • Work organisation and planning
    • Introduction to French Cuisine
    • French classical cooking techniques
    • Variations of cooking methods
    • Fonds de Cuisine and foundation sauces production
    • Commodities - Product recognition
  • Intermediate Cuisine Certificate (NZQF Level 3)

    The Intermediate Cuisine (Intermediate Certificate) programme introduces you to classic French regional dishes through which you will apply the techniques introduced in the Basic level programme. Through practice and repetition, you begin to perform tasks more easily and instinctively. Intermediate Cuisine emphasises the importance of mise en place: understanding, organisation and production. Demonstrations highlight various kinds of presentations from platter to plate.

    Duration: 10 Weeks

    Prerequisite:  New Zealand Certificate In French Cuisine (Basic) Level 2

    Study Modules:

    • Product origins and influences on French regional cuisine
    • Perfecting professional kitchen skills
    • More advanced technical cuts and presentation
    • Food presentation techniques for platters and plates
    • Further developments in personal creativity and discipline
    • Introduction to Charcuterie
    • Prepare and cook simple hot and cold desserts
    • Preparation and service of restaurant meals
    • Career preparation and workplace communication
    • Commodities - Receiving and storage
  • Superior Cuisine Certificate (NZQF Level 4)

    The Superior Cuisine (Superior Certificate) programme culminates in Le Diplôme de Cuisine Le Cordon Bleu (Cuisine Diploma). You will learn about the current evolution of French cuisine. Full menus, demonstrated by the chefs, are inspired by trends from today’s top kitchens. Some recipes are original; others are contemporary interpretations of the classics. The ingredients are richer and more refined: exposing the students to working with such ingredients as foie gras, truffles and lobster. Now well-versed in French culinary skills, you are encouraged in Superior Cuisine to be more creative in both taste and presentation.

    Duration: 10 Weeks

    Prerequisite:  New Zealand Certificate In French Cuisine (Intermediate) Level 3

    Study Modules

    • Precision and efficiency in the kitchen
    • Mastery of intricate techniques and methods
    • Recipe production with high quality and rare produce
    • Mastery of classic “haute cuisine”
    • Adaptation of menus based on the season and product availability
    • Mastery of presentation and decoration
    • Extended personal creativity and discipline (mystery basket)
    • Readiness for working in industry (Student Event)

Get Inspired By Cuisine Alumni Success Elton Song

Elton Song has had a prosperous culinary journey since graduating from Le Cordon Bleu New Zealand. With opportunities to work with various celebrity chefs from around the world such as Mark Best, Charles Michel, Ash Heeger and Alanna Sapwell. Elton recently travelled to Australia with Hiakai’s Celebrity Chef Monique Fiso for The Curated Plate culinary festival and was nominated for emerging chef of the year in the Felix Wellington Hospitality awards.


Learn from Master Cuisine Chefs



  • Viabhav_Vishen

    Vaibhav Vishen Head Chef at Spring Kitchen by Hilton. Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can with no inhibitions. That is what Le Cordon Bleu New Zealand taught me. This has influenced my constant yearning to always question, improve and innovate. Read more

    Vaibhav Vishen - Bachelor of Culinary Arts and Business
  • Joshua_Ross

    Le Cordon Bleu New Zealand taught me a great foundation of skills. Although you may not use these skills every day in the kitchen, it does teach how to be precise, how to present, and how to manage time efficiently. I am now Head Chef at Bellamy's, a fine dining restaurant located in the Wellington Beehive Parliament building. Read More.

    Joshua Ross - Diplôme De Cuisine