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The Diplôme de Pâtisserie is a comprehensive, rigorous training program comprising three levels: Basic, Intermediate and Superior. The training is based on a high level of teaching, distinguished on the one hand by lessons and demonstrations given by chefs of recognized experience, and on the other by individual practical work by learners, supervised by the Chefs. This combination of teaching, demonstrations and practical work enables students to gradually learn the fundamental techniques of traditional French pastry-making.

Programme objectives:

Demonstrate the ability to prepare pastries, including:

Demonstrate the ability to communicate in a professional setting, including:

Key Information


Intakes: January, April, July, October

The courses are taught in French and simultaneously translated into English

Diploma awarded: The Diplôme de Pâtisserie is awarded by the Le Cordon Bleu International Foundation, conditional on successful completion of all three levels


  • Standard: 9 months
  • Intensive: 6 months with 6 to 12 class hours per day, 6 days a week

Tuition Fees: €30,000 (standard or intensive). These fees include the application fee (€1,500), learning material, equipment including the Sabatier knife kit uniform and all activities.

This programme is aimed at people who seek to:

  • Pursue a career in a professional kitchen (restaurant or hotel)
  • Master French pastry techniques
  • Make a career change and learn pastry making

This training opens up professional possibilities in the fields of professional pastry, in particular to act as:

  • Pastry Chef of a restaurant
  • Caterer
  • Entrepreneur
  • Chef de partie "Pastry"
  • Chocolatier
  • Confectioner
  • Teacher
  • Food critic or journalist
  • Food writer
  • Stylist
  • Food photographer
  • And more...

Pâtisserie Diploma programme details

  • Programme content

    Please note that it is possible to register for certificates, starting with the Basic Pastry Certificate

    • Basic Le Cordon Bleu Paris Pastry Certificate

    This 6-week or 3-month level introduces you to the basic techniques of French pastry, including:

      • Organisation of a workstation in compliance with health and safety rules
      • Become familiar with the terminology of French pastry
      • Adapt to a new professional environment: working with ingredients, using pastry equipment
      • Acquire professional techniques: Piping, glazing, making different doughs, creams and mastering cooking techniques
      • Preparation of traditional French pastries: Pithiviers, Paris-Brest, chocolate éclairs, fraisier, macarons...
      • Introduction to boulangerie techniques: croissant, chocolate rolls, brioche
      • Discovery of decoration techniques: To showcase recipes
      • Theory classes on ingredients and visit of the vegetable garden on the roof of the institute: Introduction to a sustainable environment

    • Intermediate Le Cordon Bleu Paris Pastry Certificate (duration: 6 weeks to 3 months)

    Prerequisite: Basic Pastry Certificate

      • Strengthening the techniques taught in basic an mastering the creation of harmonious colour and flavour combinations
      • Contemporary tarts: Personal creation and writing a portfolio
      • Introduction to artistic sugar work: Pulled sugar, gestures, decorations (flowers, leaves...)
      • Chocolate work: crystallisation, moulding, chocolate candies, dipping fork techniques
      • Croquembouche workshop
      • Realization of Classic confectionery products
      • Preparation of Plated desserts
      • Restaurant petits fours
      • Entremets: Perfecting piping and decorations, assembly, frozen desserts
      • Theory classes: Ice creams and sorbets, chocolate, awareness of the world of beekeeping

    • Superior Le Cordon Bleu Paris Pastry Certificate (duration 3 months)

    Prerequisite: Intermediate Pastry Certificate

      • Perfecting chocolate candy-making skills
      • Making an artistic chocolate showpiece
      • Chocolate sculpture workshop
      • Sugar showpiece: Work with poured, pulled & blown sugar, decorations and gestures
      • Confectionery and chocolate confectionery
      • Personal project: Creation of a modern dessert and writing a portofolio
      • Restaurant desserts, entremets and individual contemporary cakes
      • Educational visit to Rungis Market, the largest market in Europe
      • Demonstration by a prestigious pastry chef
      • Introduction to cost control

    Evaluation methods: The evaluation will be carried out according to the educational objectives determined for each unit and according to the transversal educational objectives of the program. Various evaluation methods may be used, including:

      • Theoretical exams: Exams during which students respond orally or in writing to questions such as multiple choice questions, true/false questions, short answers, essay formats or a combination of these possibilities
      • Continuous Practical Assessment – Continuous assessment of work completed by students in practical sessions, such as food preparation. Grades will be aggregated throughout the duration of the training
      • Practical exams: Exams during which a series of tasks must be carried out under supervision. A standardized grading scale is used
      • Self-assessment: Students will carry out a self-assessment to monitor the progress of their practical work and analyze this work constructively from one week to the next
      • Presentation: Presentation of practical work based on the educational objectives of each course
      • Portfolio: A portfolio is a catalog of achievements made by the student during the program and presented in a coherent format (portfolios can contain traces of their practical work, in particular the dishes produced, as well as written or visual elements)
  • Teaching and assessment methods

    Teaching methods
    The Diplôme de Pâtisserie includes:

    • Theoretical learning;
    • Practical application;
    • Development of the ability to work autonomously and responsibly.

    Teaching methods include:

    • Online and face-to-face theory classes taught by Le Cordon Bleu Paris Instructors and guest instructors.
    • Demonstrations led by Le Cordon Bleu Chefs to help students acquire practical methods.
    • A demonstration by a professional guest Chef.
    • An educational trip to Rungis International Market.
    • Online talks or demonstrations by Le Cordon Bleu Chef Instructors from around the world.
    • Ongoing support from the Chef Instructors when appraising work.

    The programme is centred around active student participation, both in real-life situations and simulated environments, notably to cultivate a responsible work ethic.


    Assessment methods

    Students are assessed based on the Learning Outcomes set for each module and on the programme’s cross-disciplinary Learning Outcomes.

    An individual performance review is held midway through the programme to help students progress with their learning. The aim of this review is to pinpoint any difficulties and to assess the student’s current level of performance in relation to the work required and the knowledge and practical skills acquired.

    Various methods of assessment may be used, including:

    Written assessments: Examinations or quizzes where students are asked to give written answers to multiple choice questions, true/false questions, short-answer questions, long-answer questions or a combination of any of the above.

    Practical assessments:

    • Continuous assessment of progress: continuous assessment of work completed during practical lessons. The final grade is based on the cumulative grades awarded throughout the programme.
    • Final practical exam: examination during which a series of tasks must be completed under supervision. Each student’s performance is evaluated against formal assessment goals, and a standardised grading scale is used to determine the operational skill level attained.
    • Portfolio: a written report prepared by the student, focusing on a dessert they have created and assessed by the student’s Point of Contact against a standardised grading scale.
      Presentation of a recipe technique, an equipment list, and a recipe time plan.

    Students will be required to understand and apply what they learn in order to successfully complete the programme. Regular attendance is therefore a prerequisite for success.


  • Statistics

    Graduation rate: 99,19% (out of a total of 124 students over 4 terms of 2023)

Complete your training with the:

Term Dates & Prices

Select a date
Mar 31, 2025 - Sep 19, 2025 ( Intensive )
Mar 31, 2025 - Dec 19, 2025 ( Standard )
Jun 30, 2025 - Dec 19, 2025 ( Intensive )
Jun 30, 2025 - Mar 27, 2026 ( Standard )
Sep 29, 2025 - Jun 26, 2026 ( Standard )
Sep 29, 2025 - Mar 27, 2026 ( Intensive )
Jan 5, 2026 - Sep 25, 2026 ( Standard )
Jan 5, 2026 - Jun 26, 2026 ( Intensive )
Apr 6, 2026 - Dec 18, 2026 ( Standard )
Apr 6, 2026 - Sep 25, 2026 ( Intensive )
Jul 6, 2026 - Dec 18, 2026 ( Intensive )
Jul 6, 2026 - Mar 19, 2027 ( Standard )
Jul 6, 2026 - Dec 18, 2026 ( Intensive )
Oct 5, 2026 - Jun 18, 2027 ( Standard )
Oct 5, 2026 - Mar 19, 2027 ( Intensive )
Jan 5, 2027 - Sep 17, 2027 ( Standard )
Jan 5, 2027 - Jun 18, 2027 ( Intensive )
Mar 30, 2027 - Dec 17, 2027 ( Standard )
Mar 30, 2027 - Sep 17, 2027 ( Intensive )
Jun 28, 2027 - Dec 17, 2027 ( Intensive )


  • Newsletter-AVRIL-2022-598x356-Michelle-Thomas-1
    I walked away from a stable job in Brisbane to pursue my dream of becoming a Pastry Chef with no promise or guarantee of success! I was putting my faith in Le Cordon Bleu as an institution to teach me and train me everything I would need to know to start my career and as a chef, and Le Cordon Bleu Paris definitely delivered.
    Michelle Thomas - Pâtisserie Diploma 2019
  • christina-washington
    There is so much that Le Cordon Bleu taught me. The Chefs at school helped me understand the foundations of French Pastry through detailed explanations. Most importantly, we were taught the importance of creativity. The skill to move away from traditional recipes and create our own. The practical classes drove us to put our knowledge to test and perfect our techniques. Along with the technical knowledge, Le Cordon Bleu taught me the importance of teamwork, attention to detail and most of all perseverance and patience because baking as they say is both an art and a science!
    Christina Washington, Diplôme de Pâtisserie 2016
  • molly-wilkinson
    Before going to culinary school, I only knew American pastries, such as cakes and cookies. This is not pastry. By going here, I loved how the program was set up because each semester we focused on certain types of cake and I found myself doing the recipe several times to where I really knew it and what to do with it. When I returned to the US, I found that my level of expertise was very high based on what I had learned, and it was easy to find a job.
    Molly Wilkinson, Diplôme de Pâtisserie 2013
  • 380x280-paola-sanchez
    From all the pluses, I think the main one is that I understood food, not just visually, but the ingredients, the preparation, the methods, the respect for the craft and food itself, which let me to have a really accurate approach from my position as a professional that works with food but in a more experimental way.
    Paola Andrea Sànchez - Pâtisserie Diploma 2012
  • amanda-bankert
    Le Cordon Bleu Paris gave me a comprehensive understanding of the building blocks of pastry. It gave me the confidence to pursue my dreams and gave me the skills to enter high-level professional kitchens immediately after graduation.
    Amanda Bankert, Diplôme de Pâtisserie 2004
  • Alumni-Vignette-250x250-MarianaCdC2
    I always knew that cuisine would take me to France. Cooking, it's in my family for generations, not as chefs, or restaurant owners, but on the every day bases. Le Cordon Bleu experience and diploma opened opportunities for me here, but mostly because I perused and worked for it. I work every day to deliver excellence in what I do and to make my time in Paris truly worth it. I study daily, and try to keep on track of the news of the pastry world.
    Mariana Correa da Cunha, Grand Diplôme 2013
  • Alumni-Vignette-250x250-HugoS
    Learning all the cooking and pastry techniques is an incredible memory. I wanted to travel abroad and to experience professional training, and Le Cordon Bleu Paris gave me the opportunity to do so. After Le Cordon Bleu, I did an internship at Bernard Loiseau, and I then travelled to Australia in search of new flavours. Now I´m a chef at Feelviana, the first sports hotel in Portugal.
    Hugo Simões, Grand Diplôme 2010
  • Robbie Riplada testimonial
    Le Grand Diplome is the epitome of culinary training, as Chefs pass on a culinary legacy to those who have the will and the courage to be part of such a creative and passionate profession.
    Robbie Ripalda, Grand Diplôme 2010
  • le-cordon-bleu-paris-ecole-art-culinaire-ancien-etudiant-georgios-papavgoulis
    As well as having had the opportunity to study in a multicultural environment, Le Cordon Bleu has given me the tools and the motivation to be able to achieve my future goal: Opening my own pastry store
    Georgios Papavgoulis
  • le-cordon-bleu-paris-ecole-art-culinaire-ancien-etudiant-marie-sophie-guthmann
    The year at Le Cordon Bleu Paris is something everybody should experience at least once in their lifetime. The months are intensive and hard but when you see the final result, you cannot be anything other than speechless. I had never analyzed a glass of wine, a bottle, a grape variety, a region… Curiosity played a major role and opened my eyes to discover the beauty of this sector. Marketing, communication, management, soft skills… We touched on these subjects every day. The consultants are professionals, particularly good listeners and receptive, which is a very positive aspect.
    Marie-Sophie Guthmann, Wine and Management Programme Alumna
  • le-cordon-bleu-paris-ecole-art-culinaire-ancien-etudiant-gaston-acurio
    Gastón Acurio is a Chef, writer, businessman, and advocate of Peruvian culinary art. He attended law school in the late 80s but his passion for cuisine was so strong that he decided to leave to study the culinary arts at Le Cordon Bleu Paris. He came back to Paris, France in 2015 to open a new restaurant.
    Gaston Acurio, Grand Diplôme Alumnus
  • ozgegultekin
    My internship at Pierre Herme was an amazing experience for me. I sharpened the skills that I developed at the school during the 2 months I spent there. I worked in every department, from base production to dessert dressing and I also had the chance to meet and work with very strong and capable chefs.
    Ozge Gultekin, Pastry Diploma alumna
  • le-cordon-bleu-paris-ecole-art-culinaire-ancien-etudiant-david-laor
    The time I spent studying at Le Cordon Bleu exceeded all my expectations. I was taught by the best Chefs, working with the best possible raw materials and experiencing life in Paris, the world’s pastry capital.
    David Laor, Pastry Diploma Alumni
  • susan-holding
    I feel I had excellent training from some of the best chefs in the world and have excellent techniques. It wasn’t easy, and I appreciate the level of excellence that is expected to achieve the certificate for each course. I’m able to understand recipes and techniques written by any chef. The school had a tremendous reputation, and that is something I’ve very proud of.
    Susan Holding, Diplôme de Pâtisserie 1998


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Last page update in September 2024