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"Creole Cuisine" Workshop

Duration: 2:30 hrs
Hours: 11:15 am - 1.45 pm

Creole cuisine is a sun-drenched cuisine, rich in fish, seafood, vegetables and tropical fruits essentially composed of local products with influences or know-how from other horizons.

Embark on a journey to discover the rich and varied flavors of Creole cuisine.

Apron and cooler bag “Le Cordon Bleu” are offered. A participation certificate will be given by the Chef at the end of the workshop.

On the menu

18 June:
Croquettes de patates douces aux crevettes épicées, pulpe de mangue-avocat acidulée au citron vert
Rocher coco moelleux aux agrumes

12 November:
Sweet potato croquettes with spicy prawns, mango-avocado acidulated with lime
Soft coconut meringues (kisses) with citrus

All short courses are taught in French and consecutively translated into English by a translator.
Applicants must be at least 18 years of age.
During the day of the short course, you will benefit of 10 % discount at Le Café Le Cordon Bleu and at La Boutique, except on books (-5%).
The end time of the course depends on the number of participants.

Price: 160.00€

Duration: 2 hours 30 minutes

Short Courses

Last page update in June 2024.